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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lisnato testo (Puff pastry)

Sastojci: 300g mekog brasna, zumance, kasika ulja, kasika sirceta ili limunovog soka, 250g margarina, malo mleka, so.

1. Brasno, zumanac, ulje, sirce i so zamesite mlakim mlekom.
2. Razviti testo, podeliti na 3 dela, premazati jednom trecinom margarina i preklopiti kao knjigu.
3. Isti postupak ponoviti jos 2 puta (testo uvek preklopiti na isti nacin).
4. Ostavite 2 sata da  odstoji u frizideru.

Napomena: Nakon sto ste pripremili testo, dalja obrada zavisi od toga kako je opisana u receptu. Testo samo jos razvijte (ne mesite), kako bi se odrzali slojevi testa.

Ingredients: 300g soft flour, egg yolk, tablespoon of oil, tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice, 250g margarine, a little milk, salt.

1. Knead flour, egg yolk, oil, vinegar and salt with lukewarm milk.
2. Develop the dough, divide into 3 parts, spread one-third of margarine and fold like a book.
3. Repeate the same procedure 2 more times (fold dough always in the same way).
4. Leave to rest for 2 hours in refrigerator.

Note: After you prepare the dough, further processing depends on how it is described in the recipe. Develop dough only (do not knead), in order to maintain the layers of the dough.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sok od pomorandzi i limuna (Orange and lemon juice)

Sastojci: 2 velike pomorandze, 1 limun, 300g secera, 2 l vode.

1. Pomorandze i limun dobro operite i zaledite. 
2. Na sitno rende izrendajte zaledjeno voce. 
3. U dubljem sudu izmesajte rendano voce, secer i vodu. 
4. Mesajte dok se secer ne rastopi i sipajte u flasu. 
5. Povremeno sok promuckajte, i drzite ga u frizideru.

Ingredients: 2 large oranges, 1 lemon, 300g sugar, 2 liters of water.

1. Wash oranges and lemon and freeze.
2. Grate iced fruit.
3. In deeper saucepan mix grated fruit, sugar and water.
4. Stir until the sugar is melted and pour into a bottle.
5. Occasionally shake juice, and keep it in the refrigerator.

Sok od pomorandzi (Orange juice)

Sastojci: 15 pomorandzi, 2kg secera, 1,5 l vode, 50g limuntusa.


1. U serpu staviti secer, naliti vodom i staviti da provri. 
2. Oljustiti pomorandze. Sacuvati polovinu kora.
3. "Meso" pomorandzi sitno iseckati i dodati u serpu sa secerom. 
4. Sacuvane kore dobro oprati, izrendati na sitno rende i dodati u serpu. Dodati limuntus. 
5. Sadrzaj u serpi promesati da se sjedini, pokriti cistom krpom i ostaviti 24 h da stoji. 
6. Sledeceg dana dobro promesati, procediti kroz sterilnu gazu i sipati u ciste, sterilisane flase.

Ingredients: 15 oranges, 2 kg sugar, 1.5 liters of water, 50g citric acid.

1. In a saucepan put the sugar, pour water and let it boil.
2. Peel off the oranges. Preserve half of the orange peel.
3. Oranges "meat" chop finely and add to pan with sugar.
4. Wash well orange peel, grate on the small chunks and add to pan. Add citric acid.
5. Stir well, cover with a clean cloth and leave to stand for 24 hours.
6. The next day stir well, strain through a sterile gauze and pour into clean, sterilized bottles.