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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Krompir pire (Mashed potatoes)

Sastojci: 500g krompira, 100ml mleka, 50g margarina (putera), so.

1. Margarin iseci na kocke.
2. Krompir oprati, oljustiti i iseci na cetvrtine.
3. Kuvati u posoljenoj vodi. Ocediti.

Juneca pasteta (Beef pate)

Sastojci: 300g kuvane junetine (moze preostale iz supe), 3 tvrdo kuvana jajeta, 3 kisela krastavcica, kasika senfa, 2 kasike kisele pavlake, so, biber.

1. Junetinu, jaja i krastavcice dobro samleti u secku. 
2. Zaciniti solju, biberom, senfom i kiselom pavlakom.
3. Sve dobro izmesati.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Pastetu od belog mesa.

Ingredients: 300g of cooked beef (or from soup), 3 hard-boiled eggs, 3 pickles, tablespoon mustard, 2 tablespoons sour cream, salt and pepper.

1. Beef, eggs and pickles grind well in food processor.
2. Season with salt, pepper, mustard and sour cream.
3. Stir well.

Suggestion: you can make Chicken breasts pate.

Predjelo od jaja i mesa (Eggs and meat appetizer)

Sastojci: 300g mlevenog mesa, 6 tvrdo kuvanih jaja, 1 glavica crnog luka, 150g kackavalja, so, biber, besamel sos (skuvati redji besamel), sitno seckani persun, ulje.

1. Jaja iseci po duzini, a luk sitno iseckati.
2. Na ulju proprziti luk, dodati meso, pobiberiti i propirjaniti.
3. Skloniti sa sporeta, dodati persun i so i izmesati.
4. U podmazanu vatrostalnu posudu poredjati jaja, preko njih staviti meso.
5. Spremiti besamel sos i preliti preko mesa.
6. Posuti krupno narendanim kackavaljem i peci oko 10 minuta, u zagrejanoj rerni.

Ingredients: 300g minced meat, 6 hard boiled eggs, 1 onion, 150g cheese, salt, pepper, bechamel sauce (cook bechamel more liquid than usual), finely chopped parsley, oil.

1. Cut eggs lengthwise and finely chop onion.
2. Fry onion in oil, add meat, pepper to taste and braise a bit.
3. Remove from stove, add the parsley and salt and stir well.
4. In greased ovenproof dish, arrange the eggs, put the meat over eggs.
5. Prepare bechamel sauce and pour over meat.
6. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake about 10 minutes in the preheated oven.

Rolne od sunke (Ham rolls)

Sastojci: 200g sunke, 250g samlevenog pileceg belog mesa (moze preostalo od pecenja ili iz supe), 2 tvrdo kuvana jajeta, 2-3 kisela krastavcica, 3 kasike sitno seckanog persuna, so, biber, 200ml kisele pavlake, malo senfa.

1. Iseckati jaja i krastavcice, izmesati sa mesom.
2. Posoliti, pobiberiti i dobro izmesati sa umucenim senfom, kiselom pavlakom i persunom.
3. Na svaku snitu sunke staviti nadev, zaviti u rolnu i do sluzenja drzati u frizideru.

Ingredients: 200g of ham, 250g minced chicken white meat (can be left over from baking or soup), 2 hard boiled eggs, 2-3 pickles, 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley, salt, pepper, 200ml sour cream, a little mustard.

1. Finely chop eggs and pickles. Mix with the meat.
2. Add salt, pepper to taste and mix thoroughly with the beaten mustard, sour cream and parsley.
3. On each slice of ham, put stuffing, wrap in a roll and keep in  refrigerate until serving.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Paprike sa mesom i pecurkama (Peppers with meat and mushrooms)

Sastojci: nekoliko crvenih i nekoliko zelenih babura, 250g mlevenog mesa, 250g sampinjona, glavica crnog luka, besamel sos, ulje, biber, so.

1. Paprike oprati, iseci na pola po duzini i ocistiti od semenki i zilica. 
2. Luk iseci na kockice. Sampinjone iseci na pola, zajedno sa nozicama.
3. Na ulju proprziti luk, kada omeksa dodati meso i prziti mesajuci. Pred kraj dodati sampinjone.
4. Ovim nadevom napuniti paprike, poredjati ih u vatrostalni, uljem premazan sud i naliti dno vodom.
5. Peci u umereno zagrejanoj rerni oko 20 minuta.
6. Kada su paprike gotove preliti ih besamel sosom.

Ingredients: few red and few green bell peppers, 250g minced meat, 250g mushrooms, 1 onion, bechamel sauce, oil, salt, pepper.

1. Wash peppers, cut in half lengthwise and clean it of seeds and veins.
2. Cut onion into small cubes. Mushrooms cut in half, along with the handles.
3. Sautee onions in oil, when it becomes vitreous add the meat and fry stirring constantly. Towards the end add the mushrooms.
4. With this stuffing fill the peppers, arrange the them in the casserole, coated with oil, pour the bottom with water.
5. Bake in moderately heated oven for about 20 minutes.
6. When peppers are ready pour over bechamel sauce.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paradajz punjen testeninom (Tomatoes stuffed with pasta)

Sastojci: nekoliko vecih, cvrstih paradajza, 2 solje kuvane testenine, solja seckanog ili mlevenog mesa preostalog iz supe ili pecenja, 2 deblja snita sunke, 200g majoneza, iseckan persun, biber, so.

1. Oprati paradajz, osusiti, iseci im gornji deo, izdubiti sredinu i ostaviti da se ocede.
2. Sunku iseci na kockice.
3. Izmesati testeninu, meso, sunku, sredinu paradajza, persun, biber i so. Dodati majonez i dobro promesati.
4. Nadevom napuniti paradajze i drzati na hladnom mestu do sluzenja.

Ingredients: several large, firm tomatoes, 2 cups cooked pasta, salt, chopped or minced meat left over from the soup or baking, 2 thicker slices of ham, 200g mayonnaise, chopped parsley, salt, pepper.

1. Wash tomatoes, dry, cut top, hollow out the middle and let it drain.
2. Cut ham into cubes.
3. Stir pasta, meat, ham, tomato meat, parsley, pepper and salt. Add mayonnaise and mix well.
4. Stuff tomatoes with this filling and keep in a cool place until serving.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Rolat od spanaca (Spinach rolls)

Sastojci: za koru - 6 jaja, 6 kasika brasna, 1 kasicica praska za pecivo, 6 kasika griza, 500g spanaca, 2 kasike ulja, so; za fil - 300g sunke, 500g krem sira, 200ml kisele pavlake.

1. Brasno pomesajte sa praskom za pecivo i solju. Spanac obarite i sitno iseckajte.
2. Umutite zumanca pa dodajte brasno, griz i spanac. 
3. Umasu lagano umesajte sneg od belanaca.
4. Testo sipajte u podmazan i brasnom posut pleh i pecite oko 20 minuta (zavisno od rerne) na 180°C. 
5. Peceno testo stavite na vlaznu krpu i urolajte.
6. Umutite sir sa kiselom pavlakom, pa premazite rolat. Preko poredjajte listove sunke, pa urolajte. 
7. Zaviti u alu foliju i ohladiti u frizideru.

Ingredients: for crust - 6 eggs, 6 tbsp flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 6 tbsp semolina, 500g spinach, 2 tbsp oil, salt, for filling - 300g ham, 500g cream cheese, 200ml sour cream.

1. Mix flour with baking powder and salt. Cook spinach and chop finely.
2. Beat egg yolks and add the flour, semolina and spinach.
3. Gently stir in the egg whites snow.
4. Pour dough into greased and sprinkled with flour baking pan and bake about 20 minutes (depending on oven) at 180°C.
5. Fried dough put into a wet kitchen cloth and roll.
6. Whip cream cheese with sour cream, and brush roll. Put ham sheets over cheese, and roll again.
7. Wrap in aluminum foil and chill in the refrigerator.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kocke od sargarepe (Carrot Cubes)

Sastojci: 200g brasna, 10g praska za pecivo, 300g secera, 100ml jogurta, 150ml ulja, 500g sitno rendane sargarepe, 1/2 kasicice cimeta, slag.

1. Prosejte brasno s praskom za pecivo, dodajte secer i cimet i promesajte.
2. Dodajte sargarepu, jogurt i ulje i dobro izmesajte. (Ako je masa gusta, dodajte jos jogurta, kako bi se testo fino izlivalo u pleh)
3. Zagrejte rernu na 180°C i pecite kolac oko 40 minuta. 
4. Kada se ohladi isecite na kocke i premazite umucenim slagom.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Bombice od sargarepe.

Ingredients: 200g flour, 10g of baking powder, 300g sugar, 100ml yogurt (buttermilk), 150ml oil, 500g finely grated carrots, 1/2 tsp of cinnamon, whipped cream.

1. Sift flour with baking powder, add sugar and cinnamon and stir.
2. Add carrots, yogurt and oil and stir well (if the mixture is thick, add more yogurt so it can be poured in the baking pan).

3. Preheat oven to 180°C and bake cake about 40 minutes.

4. When cool, cut into cubes and decorate with whipped cream.

Suggestion: you can  make Carrots bomblets.