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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pita sa mesom i prazilukom (Meat pie with leek)

Sastojci: 1 pakovanje smrznutog lisnatog testa, za nadev200g mlevenog mesa, 1 praziluk, 1 krompir (oljusten i narendan), 1 kasika celerovog lista (sitno seckano), ulje, biber, so, za preliv - 250ml jogurta.

1. Lisnato testo odmrznuti i sasvim tanko ga razvuci. 
2. Praziluk iseckati, posoliti, preliti vrelom vodom i ocediti.
3. Na ulju proprziti meso, dodati krompir i praziluk. Prziti na tihoj vatri, posoliti i pobiberiti. 
4. Skloniti sa vatre i dodati celerov list. Izmesati.
5. Ovim nadevom nafilovati pitu, uviti je, staviti u podamazan pleh, preliti jogurtom i peci u zagrejanoj rerni na umerenoj temperaturi.

Ingredients: 1 package frozen puff pastry (thawed), for filling - 200g minced meat, 1 leek, 1 potato (peeled and shredded), 1 tablespoon celery leaf (finely chopped), oil, pepper and salt, 250ml yogurt.

1. Thinly stretch puff pastry.
2. Chop leeks, season with salt and pour boiling water. Drain.
3. Fry meat in oil, add shredded potatoe and chopped leek. Fry over low heat, add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Remove from heat and add celery leaf. Stir.
5. This filling spread over stretched puff-pastry, roll, place in greased baking pan, pour over yogurt and bake in preheated oven at medium temperature.

Savijaca od mesa (Meat strudel)

Sastojci: za testo - 1kg brasna, 125g margarina, 3 zumanceta, malo ulja, malo secera, 20g svezeg kvasca, 500ml mleka, za nadev - 200g mlevenog mesa, 250-300g graska (prokuvan ili iz konzerve), 1 koren sargarepe, 1 koren paskanata, biber, so i ulje.

1. U toplo mleko staviti kvasac sa malo secera i pustiti da naraste.
2. U brasno dodati zumanca, rastopljen margarin, ulje, so i kvasac. Zamesiti glatko testo.
3. Testo prekriti i ostaviti na toplom mestu da nadodje. 
4. Iseckati sargarepu i paskanat na kockice.
5. Na ulju proprziti meso, dodati sargarepu, paskanat, grasak, biber i so. Izmesati i ostaviti da se prohladi.
6. Naraslo testo razvuci, premazati nadevom, uviti i ispeci u zagrejanoj rerni.

Ingredients: for the dough - 1kg flour, 125g margarine, 3 egg yolks, a little oil, a little sugar, 20g fresh yeast, 500ml milk, for stuffing - 200g minced meat, 250-300g green peas (boiled or canned), 1 carrot root, 1 parsnip root, pepper, salt and oil.

1. In the warm milk put yeast with a little sugar and let it grow.
2. Add egg yolks to the flour, melted margarine, oil, salt and yeast. Knead smooth dough.
3. Cover the dough and leave in a warm place to grow.
4. Cut carrot and parsnip into small cubes.
5. Fry meat on oil over medium heat, add carrots, parsnip, peas, pepper and salt. Stir and leave to cool.
6. Stretch dough, spread the stuffing, roll and bake in preheated oven.

Kroketi od spanaca (Croquettes with spinach)

Sastojci: 300g mlevenog mesa, 350g kuvanog ili zamrznutog spanaca, 2 kasike prezli, 3 kasike brasna, 1 cen belog luka, so, ulje.

1. Sitno iseckati beli luk.
2. Spanac skuvati u posoljenoj vodi. Ocediti i iseckati.
3. Dodati mleveno meso, beli luk, prezle, kasiku brasna i so.
4. Od ove mase praviti krokete, uvaljati ih u brasno i prziti na vrelom ulju sa svih strana.

Predlog: uz krokete od spanaca mozete posluziti Sos od jogurta.

Ingredients: 300g minced meat, 350g cooked or frozen spinach, 2 tablespoons bread crumbs, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 clove garlic, salt, oil.

1. Finely chop garlic.
2. Cook the spinach in salted water. Drain and chop.
3. Add minced meat, garlic, bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon of flour and salt.
4. From this mass make croquettes, roll them in flour and fry in hot oil on all sides.

Suggestion: you can serve croquettes with spinach with Buttermilk sauce.