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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Stanglice sa dva fila (Bars with two fillings)

Sastojci: za testo - 250g brasna+5g praska za pecivo, 150 margarina (omeksao), 100g secera, 1 jaje, strugana kora od jednog limuna; za prvi fil -150g mlevenih oraha, 120g secera, malo mleka i 150g suvog grozdja; za drugi fil - 3 jaja, 3 kasika secera, 5 kasika brasna; dzem.

1) Za testo - pomesati sve sastojke i zamesiti testo. Testo razvuci oklagijom u velicini pleha. Pleh namazati uljem i posuti sa malo brasna. Staviti testo i premazati dzemom.
2) Za prvi fil - pomesati sve sastojke i premazati preko dzema.
3) Za drugi fil - pazljivo odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Umutiti zumanca sa secerom. Umutiti belanca. U zumanca dodati brasno i umucena belanca. Sjediniti. Sipati preko prvog fila.
4) Peci u rerni na 200C. Ispeceno i ohladjeno iseci na stanglice.

Ingredients: for the dough - 250 g flour + 5g baking powder, 150 margarine (softened), 100g sugar, 1 egg, grated rind of one lemon; for the 1st filling -150g ground walnuts, 120g of sugar, some milk and 150g of raisins; for the 2nd filling - 3 eggs, 3 tbsp of sugar, 5 tablespoons flour; jam.

1) For the dough - mix all ingredients and knead the dough. Stretch the dough with rolling pin in the size of the pan. Smear baking pan with oil and sprinkle with a little flour. Place the dough and spread with jam.
2) For the 1st filling - mix all ingredients and spread over jam.
3) For the 2nd filling - carefully separate the egg whites from egg yolks. Whisk the egg yolks with sugar. Whisk the egg whites. In the yolks, add the flour and egg whites. Combine well. Pour over the first filling evenly.

4) Bake in the oven at 200C. Baked and cooled, cut the bars.

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