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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pljeskavica sa kackavaljem (Hamburger with cheese)

Sastojci: 400g mlevenog mesa, 120g kackavalja, 80g pileceg belog mesa, 4 deblja lista pecenice, 1 manja glavica crnog luka, 3 cena belog luka, 3g mlevenog bibera, 1 kasicica vegete, 30g svinjskih maramica (opciono), maslinovo ulje za przenje.


1) Crni i beli luk oljustiti. Svinjske maramice oprati vodom.
2) Kackavalj, pecenicu, belo meso, crni i beli luk sitno iseckati (na kockice). 
3) U ciniji pomesati mleveno meso, kackavalj, belo meso, pecenicu, crni i beli luk, biber i vegetu. Rukom dobro sjediniti. 
4) Podeliti na 4 loptice. Rukama formirati pljeskavice. 
Napomena: ako koristite svinjske maramice - rasiriti svinjsku maramicu malo vece od pljeskavice, na sredinu staviti pljeskavicu i preklopiti sve krajeve jedan preko drugog. Mozete napraviti i 6 loptica pa da przite po 3 u tiganju.
5) U tiganj sipati maslinovo ulje i ostaviti da se zagreje. Staviti pljeskavice da se prze, na srednjoj temperaturi (4), oko 10 minuta. Ako ste umotali pljeskavice u svinjske maramice, smotane krajeve stavite dole, da se prvo prze.

Ingredients: 400g minced meat, 120g yellow cheese, 80g of chicken breasts, 4 thicker slices of smoked sirloin, 1 small onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 3g ground pepper, 1 teaspoon of Vegeta, olive oil for frying.


1) Peel onion and garlic. 
2) Finely chop cheese, smoked sirloin, chicken breasts, onion and garlic (diced).
3) In the bowl, combine the minced meat, cheese, chicken breasts, smoked sirloin, onion, garlic, pepper and Vegeta. Combine well with hand.
4) Divide into 4 balls. Form patties by hands.
Note: you can make 6 balls so that you can fry 3 in a pan.
5) In a frying pan pour the olive oil and let it heat up. Place the patties to be fried, over medium heat (4), for about 10 minutes.

koristila sam obicnu pecenicu, ne dimljenu - I used regular sirloin, not smoked 

bez crnog luka i bibera - without onion and pepper 

dodajte malo ulja na podlogu - add a little oil on the surface

obican tiganj - regular frying pan

teflon tiganj (mnogo bolji) - teflon frying pan (much better)

Same recipe, almost the same :) and new pictures. I used 500g minced meat, about 500g chicken white meat, 150g ham, 150g yellow cheese, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. I kneaded every time after each addition of ingredient and I left it to stand for about 45minutes before frying. 
It was enough salty for me :)

How to to make (flat) hamburgers? 
Take some oil on to your palms. Make a ball from the mixture. On plastic tray place one freezer bag. Get some oil on the palm and smear over the freezer bag. Take another freezer bag and do the same. On one freezer bag place meatball. cover with another freezer bag. Take a plate, glass or plastic can of jam (like me) and press over the bag to flatten the meatball and get hamburger. From time to time add some oil to your palm and freezer bags.

Yes. I have new frying pan :)

And new plate :)

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